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Labyrinth 2 poster

This fictional movie poster is a gift to my two wonderful and beloved daughters. As I say in the footer, it has been designed for non-commercial use and is also a tribute to the memory of Jim Henson and Terry Jones. Their magic and fantasy filled my heart with joy and gave wings to my imagination. I would not have enough time to be grateful for that moment when, as a child, I saw "Labyrinth" for the first time. It was a turning point in my life, along with reading "The Hobbit" and "The Neverending Story" for the first time. In addition to the infinite pleasure of the moment in enjoying the wonder that they were in themselves, they motivated and encouraged my passion for fantasy and stimulated my imagination to dream of fantastic worlds and beings that were hiding dormant inside me and were eager to appear. An aunt rented the VHS movie to keep us calm at my cousin's birthday and I remember watching the movie sitting on the floor in front of the TV, being blown away without blinking. The world around me disappeared. I couldn't believe the wonder I was watching. I remember sleepless nights thinking about it and how wonderful it would be to be able to travel there and meet Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus.... And especially to meet the beautiful Sarah, the one who, without a doubt, was my first platonic love. I hope you like this humble tribute.

June 7, 2023